We have two versions of an MS Word document that cause a crash when compared with GroupDocs.Comparison. The documents have a bullet list with a style called “Bullet list”. The style has the same name in both documents, but the settings for the style differs. If I change the style of the bullet list the comparison works as expected.
SOP18.docx (105.4 KB)
SOP28.docx (105.2 KB)
I get the following exception details when comparing the documents:
Message=Error occurred while converting document.
at .(List`1 , CompareOptions , , , Int32 )
at .(Int32 )
at .()
at .SaveDocument(Stream , Document , Document , SaveOptions )
at GroupDocs.Comparison.Comparer.(Stream , SaveOptions )
at GroupDocs.Comparison.Comparer.Compare(Stream document, SaveOptions saveOptions, CompareOptions compareOptions)
The exception was caused by running the following code with GroupDocs.Comparison 24.1.0 in a .NET 6.0 console application on a Windows 11 machine:
using var comparer = new Comparer(loadPath1);
We get no results when comparing the same documents in the online tool:
I suppose this is because of the same crash