We have a document that includes a field code. When compared with a similar version of the same document, the comparison crashes.
117.docx (13.3 KB)
217.docx (13.3 KB)
The problems seems to have something to do with the paragraph break within the field code. If the paragraph break is removed, the comparison works fine.
Comparing the documents produces the following exception:
Unhandled exception. ☻♥: Error occurred while converting document.
at ►§.☻(List`1 ☻, CompareOptions, ☻♥§ ♣, ☻↨§ ♠, Int32 ♥)
at ♣§↓.☻(Int32 ☻)
at ♣§↓.☻()
at ♣§↓.GetStream()
at GroupDocs.Comparison.Comparer.Compare(Stream document, SaveOptions saveOptions, CompareOptions compareOptions)
This code was run with GroupDocs.Comparison 24.7.0 in a .NET 6.0 console application on a Windows 11 machine:
using var comparer = new Comparer(loadPath1);
When comparing the documents with the online tool we get the following error:
Something went wrong
Server is not available
I suppose this is because of the same crash
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The issues you have found earlier (filed as COMPARISONNET-4086) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by anton.samarskyy
The fix did unfortunately not solve all problems. The comparison still crashes when a new page is added to one of the files. It seems like it is not the extra page that causes the problem, but rather the field code that evaluates to different values depending on the number of pages.
I have modified one of the field codes slightly to produce a new example of a comparison that crashes:
118.docx (13.4 KB)
218.docx (13.4 KB)
The code and the machine that runs the comparison is the same. Only difference is that we are now using GroupDocs.Comparison 24.12.0.
Edit: It also crashes in GroupDocs.Comparison 25.1.0
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