Document Name does not come up in the Viewer


I have got an issue where I am unable to see the document name in my Viewer. Could you please look through my code to see if there is any problem?

.Stream(Model.DocumentStream, Model.DocumentName, Model.DocumentExtension,
Model.DocumentDisplayName, Model.UseCache, streamCreator: null)

I have attached two screenshots. One of screenshots is my viewer and the other is the one on web (which will show Document name) - Highlighted in red.

Many Thanks,


We are sorry to hear that you have such issue. The code that you shared with us is ok. Because of using variables that you set in the beck-end the issue reason should be there. Since that please share with us beck-end code where you have declare these variables: Model.DocumentStream, Model.DocumentName, Model.DocumentExtension, Model.DocumentDisplayName, Model.UseCache

Thank you.