I need an advice or help. GroupDoc Viewer is not able to preview larger documents with more pages.
Our version is: 24.11.0 and document storage is SharePoint library.
We are observating two types of that issue:
document preview display correct number of pages, but first pages display like #404 - UH OH! You’re lost. You can see on picture bug1
document preview display only some last pages, but all document is much more larger, you can see on picture bug2.
Could you please share the files you’re experiencing issues with, or a sample file that reproduces the same issue?
The error #404 - UH OH! seems to be coming from a web server or web application that you’re running. It likely indicates that the requested page was not found, and the server returned a 404 error.
To begin our analysis, we would need sample files and a minimal sample application to reproduce the issue on our end. Could you also let us know which framework your application is targeting and its hosting environment?
Unfortunately, I have failed to reproduce the issue. Both files rendered properly. Please share more information about your environment: OS, target framework and possibly code snippet.
I’m attaching the sample application that I was using to reproduce the issue: sample-app.zip (2.2 KB)