Document viewer API licensing in Java


I’m sure there was some enhancement done to allow loading the license file from the webapp without providing the full path.

I have the license in the classes folder of the webapp and I tried the following configurations but the license it not loaded:




How can I make that working?


Hello Mariusz,

Sorry to see you get this issue. We investigated the case. It seems to work in the Dropwizard sample, but not in the Spring one due to the little GroupDocs.Viewer for Java library problem. Our product team already fixed it. A new version of the GroupDocs.Viewer will be released this week. We hope to release the updated GroupDocs.Annotation as well. The issue was registered and you’ll be notified when the library will be published. Sorry for the inconvenience.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as VIEWERJAVA-719) have been fixed in this update.

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