Document viewer API only Renders the Deleted Folder of a PST File in .NET

I have been testing the rendering of a PST file by the Group Docs Viewer and it can only render the "Deleted Items " folder, and items within it.

I have a simple test using a PST file produced by my Outlook 2016 install with a single email in its Inbox Folder.

I have also run the pst file through the free web api but it also does not find anything. Not even the deleted folder.

Am I missing something or is this a defect in the Group Docs Viewer?

The source code is bellow - is is using GroupDocs Total 21.9

    public void TestPst()
        FileLogger fileLogger = new FileLogger("./output.log");
        LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions();          
        ViewerSettings settings = new ViewerSettings(fileLogger);

        using (GroupDocs.Viewer.Viewer viewer = new GroupDocs.Viewer.Viewer("test.pst", loadOptions, settings))
            ViewOptions viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources("./result_{0}.html");


Thank you for your interest in GroupDocs.Viewer. Can you please share the file that you’re using for testing?

Attached is the file I was using for testing. It is in the zip to get past the upload restrictions. (21.5 KB)


Thank you for attaching the sample file as it helped to reproduce and fix the issue. The fix will be included in

  • GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 21.9 that is planned to release by the end of this week;
  • GroupDocs.Total for .NET 21.10 - beginning of October.

The expected (25.2 KB) is the following .


GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET v21.9 that includes fix for this issue has been published. You can find the new version at

Have a nice day!