DOCX with Image failing to convert to PDF, Image broken

Hi Team,

We are having a docx file when converted to PDF using groupdocs, Images fail to convert. Could you please look into it and help us how to resolve it.

Sample Docx file is attached.
Employee Verification Letter.docx (45.7 KB)


Can you please provide more details about the method or API you are using for the conversion and any error messages you are encountering?

No error message, But image is broken. Please check the pdf converted.
Employee Verification Letter.pdf (15.7 KB)

We are using groupdocs JAVA SDK as dep: @com//:com_groupdocs_groupdocs_conversion",

@Professionalize.Discourse : More specifically we are using: com.groupdocs.conversion.Converter.convert

Hello @pankajgupta ,

Apologies for the inconvenience. Currently, .webp images embedded in .docx files are not supported during conversion. However, we are planning to introduce this capability in future versions of Conversion for Java.

In the meantime, using .png images should prevent this issue in the final .pdf document.

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

@evgen.efimov . Thanks for quick update, Could you please provide document link sharing this limitatiotn

@pankajgupta ,

Unfortunately, this detail is not covered in the public documentation, as we have not previously encountered such an issue when converting .docx to .pdf. However, after conducting a thorough review, we can confirm that we will be fixing this in Conversion for Java 25.2.

We have registered this issue under CONVERSIONJAVA-2716 and will notify you once the fix is included in a release.

@evgen.efimov : Thanks for the info. Can you share the timelines when it will be available in SDK.
Also, I see the image in above document is png and not webp. Could you clarify which all works perfectly?

@pankajgupta ,

We usually release updates at the end of each month, so version 25.2 is expected in the last week of February.

As for your document, the image might have a .png extension, but it was likely manually renamed. If you open it in a text editor, you will see that its actual format is WEBPVP8, not PNG.

Rest assured, if you use a proper .png file, you won’t face this issue. We have verified and confirmed that embedded .png images display correctly in the output .pdf.

@evgen.efimov : Thanks for sharing the info. It was really helpful.

@pankajgupta ,

Always happy to help! Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.