Download annotated is not working

I am using the master branch of Angular project and branch update_annotation_to_21_7 of Java-Spring project, once the annotation lib wasn’t updated in the master branch yet:.

In the Angular project, in the annotation.service.ts we have the following snippet of code:

getDownloadUrl(credentials: FileCredentials) {
    return this._config.getAnnotationApiEndpoint() + Api.DOWNLOAD_ANNOTATED + '/?path=' + credentials.guid;

This method calls a GET /downloadAnnotated?path=C:\exemple-file.docx

There are two problems with it, first the backslash cannot be used in browser URL, the second is this service is mapped differently in the backend, it is mapped as a POST method and the contract is different. See the file.

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/downloadAnnotated", consumes = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public void downloadAnnotated(@RequestBody AnnotateDocumentRequest annotateDocumentRequest, HttpServletResponse response) {


We are investigating this scenario. Please keep track of this link. However, you’ll be notified here in case of any update.

Thanks @Atir_Tahir


You are welcome.


We’ve updated @groupdocs.examples.angular/annotation package version to 0.8.54.

As I can see the download action is mapped to the GET downloadDocument method and it seems to work well when running the app from the master branch.

Could you please try running the app from master and checking if the issue still exists?

First of all thanks for your reply @vladimir.litvinchik

I have just made the test. I made pull in the master branch and I could saw your updates, following I started the server again with mvn clean spring-boot:run and when I hit the download button it is still calling POST downloadAnnotated method and getting an HTTP error 405. But now the backslash were fixed.

annotation-download.png (61.4 KB)


I was able to reproduce this issue. We’re looking into it now and will update you in case we have any new information.


Please try updating and running the latest version of the Spring Demo.

Hello @vladimir.litvinchik,

Thanks for your help, I updated the project, I made a test and the download button is working.


You’re welcome!