Drupal Integration

Hi Guys,

I am trialling the GroupDocs Drupal module at the moment but whenever I try and browse to a document using GD, I get the following error;


“ Uh oh, looks like we are currently experiencing difficulties with our API, please be so kind as to drop an email to support@groupdocs.com to let them know, thanks or click here to try again.”


I have my password and API keys entered into the system and also the necessary jquery libraries installed but no joy so far – any ideas?

Kind Regards,

Simon Hall

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Hello Simon,

We are sorry to hear that you have such issue. We investigated the issue and we reproduced it when we set in Apache configuration “ AllowOverride None”. So to solve the issue please try to check your Apache configuration and set “AllowOveride” parameter to “All”.

Please investigate our documentation for plugin installation - http://groupdocs.com/docs/display/Viewer/Integrating+the+Plugin+with+Drupal+Using+Default+Method

If you will have additional queries or questions please feel free to get in touch with us and we'll be glad to help,

I am facing the same problem …were you able to fix it???

It worked…curl was not enabled…Thanks a lot guys!


Glad to hear that.

Best regards.