Envelope Comments


I’ve enabled envelope comments, but I can’t find where this appears. Is it in the emails sent? If so, what placeholder should I use? I’m using custom email templates on my API installation.


Thank you for your request. When you enable comments for envelop, there is a text area in the confirmation dialog when the user click “sign envelope”, then this comment is shown in the summary page in the signed document.

As for email - we don’t include comments to the email notification.


The text area appears okay. I filled it out and confirmed signature. But the message does not show up on the signed summary page anywhere. Are we supposed to include some type of parameter in our api call? We are assuming this works automatically when enabled from the admin dashboard.



We are sorry to hear that you have such issue. We have checked the issue and made a hotfix for it. Please try again and notify us with the results.


I tried again and don’t see the comment I made after confirming signature. See screenshot of results page.


Thank you for coming back. When you create an envelop on step 3 there are 2 on/off switches - one to require comment, and another to include the comment in summary page. Also you can find the comment in envelopes dashboard here.


Remember, we're using this application as an api for our end users to access their comments for their signature documents. They have no access to our admin dashboard as you have demonstrated. Besides, I don't have the 2 on/off swiches in my dashboard?


Thank you for the clarification. In case using api you can use “GetSignatureEnvelope” method which will return all info about the envelop and in the result->envelop->recipients[]->comment will be a comment text.