Error in the PDF conversion


I am trying to convert Docx documents to pdf using java and I have encountered the following mismatch.

The template has the following form
image.png (2.5 KB)

the result hace the following look:
image.png (12.9 KB)

I have tried the online conversion and the result is correct and is identical to the original Docx document.

I have not entered any options for the conversion and I am using version 21.4.

Did I miss something or do I need any extra parameters?


From mismatch, do you mean the font style or size is changed? Could you please share the problematic file, we’ll then further investigate this issue at our end?

thanks for your response
i’m not sure if the font style or size is changed but you can see that the result is not the same for us. In the word document, the first line ends with “compter du” while in the generated pdf this goes to the second line.
test-font.docx (82.1 KB)
pdf-generated.pdf (25.4 KB)

thanks in advance


This issue is under investigation with ticket ID CONVERSIONJAVA-1349. You’ll be notified in case of any update.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CONVERSIONJAVA-1349) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by nikola.yankov