Error on comparing PPT - com.groupdocs.comparison.common.exceptions.slidesexceptions.ConvertToPresentationException: Error occurred while converting document

I am getting the following exception when comparing two ppt’s

com.groupdocs.comparison.common.exceptions.slidesexceptions.ConvertToPresentationException: Error occurred while converting document.

The error occurs only when I apply license. If i do not apply license, the comparison works fine with evaluation copy

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Please share following details:

  • API version that you are using (e.g. 20.10, 21.6)
  • Sample/comparison code to reproduce the issue
  • Problematic files (source and target)
  • License file in a private message

Here are the details:

API Version : 21.6.1

Sample Code:

License lic = new License();
lic.setLicense(System.getProperty([path to licesnse file].toString());

//Add settings
CompareOptions options = new CompareOptions();
options.setCompareVariableProperty(true); // to activate the comparison of variable properties in word
options.setCompareDocumentProperty(true); // to activate the comparison of built and custom properties in word
options.setShowRevisions(true); // enable revisions
options.setCompareBookmarks(true); // compare bookmarks in word
options.setDetectStyleChanges(true); //enable style changes
options.setDetalisationLevel(DetalisationLevel.High); // detail logging to high
options.setGenerateSummaryPage(true); // add summary page with detected changes statistics to resultant document

//Compare Docs,options);

//Get List of changes
ChangeInfo[] changes = comparer.getChanges();
System.out.println("Count of changes: " + changes.length);

Problematic Files: Cant attach ppt file because upload is not supported. Attaching images instead
slide-1_ppt1.jpg (13.1 KB)
slide-1_ppt2.jpg (12.6 KB)

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Please compress the source and target Slides to a ZIP and then Upload the ZIP file here.

Here it is. (336.9 KB)


We get same exception when we compare the provided PPTX files in Java. Therefore, we’ve logged this issue in our internal issue tracking system with ID COMPARISONJAVA-1299. It’ll be now further investigated. We’ll notify you in case of any update.