Error on run the Example for GroupDocs.Viewer-for-.NET

We are evaluating the GroupDocs.Viewer for our document managerment project but we have some problems.
I have downloaded the example from the and extracted the zip file, then run the example in VS2013.

First I uncomment the statement in program.cs Main() function

when I run the program ,the error occur on GetConfigurations()-->ViewerConfig config = new ViewerConfig();

the Error message is

An unhandled exception of type 'System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException' occurred in GroupDocs.Viewer.dll

Additional information: localesPath key value in groupdocs.viewer section of application configuration file refers to nonexistent location.

Hi Mars,

Thanks for taking interest in GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET.

GroupDocs.Viewer API provides the feature to configure viewer settings using a config file i-e app.config or web.config. The example project also contains viewer configuration settings in App.config file. Please set the correct path values in App.config file or comment out the configuration tags if you are not interested to configure viewer setting using config file. Please try this and share your feedback with us.

Warm Regards

Hi, I found the answer,

It’s on app.config
and add the path in my C: drive, and run fine.

Hi Mars,

Its good to know that your issue is resolved. In case you would have any other issues, please do let us know.

Warm Regards