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I tested version 24.4. I have noticed it did not solve this problem. My customer is really disappointed about this. I really hope this issue is resolved as soon as possible with hotfixes.


We are working continuously to fix this issue.

I’m really counting on you to resolve this problem swiftly. Could you please provide an update on when the hotfix version will be updated?


We are actively working on this issue. We’ll notify you as soon as we have any ETA of hotfix.

I’m counting on you to accelerate the process of resolving this issue, as our project has been severely impacted by it.


We are actively working on resolving this ticket and making every effort to provide a solution as soon as possible. We will notify you as soon as we have it.

Will the forthcoming hotfix, which resolves this issue, be rolled out in version 24.4 or will it be deferred to version 24.5?


Hopefully there will be a hotfix before version 24.5.

Is there any information available about the hotfix version? I’ve been waiting for details.


This ticket is still under process/investigation.