Excel placing numbers into cell, always formatted as text

As we place values from JSON to cells, we want some formulas to directly work with the values,

It complains about the Textformatting:
image.png (41.5 KB)

This is the tag; <<[sr1?.seriesMeasurements?.groundwaterLevel?.value / 100]>>

This tag also did not work; <<[sr1?.seriesMeasurements?.groundwaterLevel?.value / 100]:“0.00”>>

So I had to do some workaround, by placing it somewhere else first and try to copy he numeric value. But this is messy and eventually cant be done for all the fields.

image.png (65.8 KB)

Strangely, the DateTime is correctly formatted. with this tag:

Please fix this, when placing numbers, make it a number format directly


Could you please share the following details:

  • API Version that you are using (e.g. 21.9, 22.2)
  • Sample code to generate report
  • Excel template and data source files

We are using version 22.2

Attached the json and template
Template_Groupdocs.zip (226.0 KB)

var dataSourceInfos = new List();
if (partialTemplates.HasValue)
var dataSource = new DataSourceInfo(partialTemplates.Value.Value, partialTemplates.Value.Key);

            AddDataSources(dataSourceDefinitions, dataSourceStreams, dataSourceInfos);

            FileFormat groupDocsFileFormat = ConvertFileFormat(outputFileFormat);

            using (var templateStream = new MemoryStream(template))
                using (var outputStream = new MemoryStream())
                    var assembler = new DocumentAssembler
                        Options = DocumentAssemblyOptions.AllowMissingMembers | DocumentAssemblyOptions.InlineErrorMessages | DocumentAssemblyOptions.UpdateFieldsAndFormulas

                    // todo: load by convention

                        new LoadSaveOptions(groupDocsFileFormat),
                    output.Report = outputStream.ToArray();
                    return output;
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We are investigating this issue. Your investigation ticket ID is ASSEMBLYNET-224. You’ll be notified in case of any progress update.

Hi Atir, do you have any updates on this?
Our Excel reports can’t work with formulas now, what is annoying


We are still investigating this ticket.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ASSEMBLYNET-224) have been fixed in this update. Please enable integration with native Spreadsheet data types to get desired results. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by ivan.lyagin

Perfect, we are going to upgrade

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Let us know in case of any issue.

Thank you for fixing!!


You are welcome.