

I use Your Component version 3.2,
but when i want to convert a Excel file to Html Have an exception ‘invalid Parameter’;
could you help me please?
what I have to do?

Hi susanhatefi,

Thanks for trying GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET.

In order get closer to the issue, we would need some more information from you. Please provide the following information:

  • Screenshot of the exception
  • Code where exception occurs
  • Problematic Excel file

We will be waiting for you response. Thanks

Warm Regards

The issues you have found earlier (filed as VIEWERNET-693) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by groupdocs.notifier.


thank you for your attention.

Hi susanhatefi,

Thanks for raising the issue.

We have reproduced your issue at our end and created a ticket in our Issue Tracking System. We shall further investigate this issue and once we have any update/fix, we will notify you here. Please stay tuned.

Warm Regards