Feature request: property WasSuccessful/IsEmpty for ExtractedData


We are interested in a property that signalizes whether an extraction was successful.

We are calling this:

var extractionOptions = new ExtractionOptions { UseRawTextExtraction = false, };
var extractedData = extractor.Extract(document, extractionOptions);

But the extractedData instance has only 1 method called “Serialize”.

We’d be interested in a property “WasSuccessful” or “IsEmpty” or similar to know whether the extraction was successful or whether it was not able to extract anything from that file…

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): SEARCHNET-3470

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We added IsExtractionSuccessful property to ExtractedData class.
This improvement will be available in 25.3. As the release gets on-board, we’ll notify you.

Thank you very much!

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