Hi, I’m trying pdf file larger than A4, like A3. Reason is that I want to generate a pdf from a mail where inline image are larger than the page A4.
Is it possible ?
For A4, I’m doing so :
int dpi = 72;
pdfSaveOptions.setHeight(842 * dpi / 72);
pdfSaveOptions.setWidth(595 * dpi / 72);
For A3, I’m doing so :
int dpi = 72;
pdfSaveOptions.setHeight(2 * 595 * dpi / 72);
pdfSaveOptions.setWidth(842 * dpi / 72);
But it doesn’t work, the page is indeed A3, but the conversion just enlarge the whole content, so that the inlinge images are still cut.
Best regards,