Generate bookmarks in the PDF based on the headings in the Word

Hi Support Team.
We are planning to buy the GroupDocs.Conversion Developer OEM License shortly and want to generate bookmarks in the PDF based on the headings in the Word-File. Can you please show us, how we can do this as it is mentioned as a feature?

Thanks for your appreciated help.

We are investigating this scenario. Your investigation ticket ID is CONVERSIONNET-5537.


There is a property BookmarkOptions in WordProcessingLoadOptions class. Take a look at the code below:

// Load options for the Word processing document.
var loadOptions = new WordProcessingLoadOptions();

// Set the maximum number of heading outline levels to be loaded.
// This will load up to 3 levels of headings in the document.
loadOptions.BookmarkOptions.HeadingsOutlineLevels = 3;

// Set the maximum number of expanded outline levels to be loaded.
// This will load up to 3 levels of expanded outlines in the document.
loadOptions.BookmarkOptions.ExpandedOutlineLevels = 3;

// Load the Word document.
    // Apply the load options to the document.
    // Convert the document to PDF format.
    // Apply default options for PDF conversion.
    .WithOptions(new PdfConvertOptions())
    // Perform the conversion.

Attached are source and target (1.1 MB).