GIFF to PDF conversion in .NET

After conversion from giff to pdf format, the file is inconsistent. The conversion worked well in 20.1 version, but output file is corrupted using version 20.8, .net. The output file format is pdf.

Source file:
Latency.pdf (498.7 KB)

Latency.gif (209.0 KB)

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We tried back and forth conversion (GIF to PDF, PDF to GIF) but couldn’t reproduce this issue. Could you please share the sample code? Have a look at these (2.0 MB) files.

Sorry, my bad. I swapped source and output files. We need to convert from giff to pdf.
The source file is giff:
Latency.gif (209.0 KB)

Wrong output is pdf:
Latency.pdf (498.7 KB)

We convert in this way:

    Stream document = GetDoc();

    using (var fileConverter = new Converter(() => document))
                                var convertedDocumentStream = new ConvertedDocumentStream((converted) =>
                                 fileConverter.Convert(() => new MemoryStream(), convertedDocumentStream, GetPdfOptions());
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This issue is reproduced at our end. Hence, we’ve logged it in our internal issue tracking system with ID CONVERSIONNET-4817. You’ll be notified in case of any progress update.

Another giff file example with the wrong conversion. After conversion document consists of hundreds of pages.

AppColumnDoesNotObeySorting.gif (216.7 KB)

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We are investigating this scenario as well.


This issue is resolved. Please use latest version of the API.

However, this issue is still under investigation.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CONVERSIONNET-4817) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by nikola.yankov