Group Docs does not collect email address from signer?

is there a way to include an email address from signers? I understand the ip address is collected, but how will this stand up in court if they do not sign from their personal computer? I’m just analyzing if there are loopholes in the legal structure

Hello, there!

Thank you for interest in GroupDocs. Sorry for so long delay with the answer. We are currently in discussion with our development team about possible solutions of this situation. We'll come back shortly with the answer. Thanks for understanding.


Thank you for your patience. To get signer’s email you can add additional text fields to the signature form where signer will enter their email address, date of birth and other identifying data. That could be done when you create or edit signature form like shown on this screenshot - .

Also in case that signer has GroupDocs account and he logged-in we can get his email, but we don’t have functionality which will show it on the summary page. We will add it to our roadmap and release it soon.

If you will have more questions please feel free to contact us.