I am using merger api in my product, my code looks like the below
ExtractOptions extractOptions = new ExtractOptions(new int[] { i, i });
using (Merger merger = new Merger(mStream))
string fullFileName = filePathOut + fileVersionId.ToString() + “_” + i.ToString() + fileExtension.ToLower();
while I extract pages from file with more then 4 pages, I am getting the following error
At most 4 elements (for any collection) can be viewed in evaluation mode.
I am using
Groupdocs.merger 20.4
Groupdocs.viewer 19.6
Groupdocs.Parser 19.5
and my license is valid upto 20.8 version
groupdocs license.PNG (7.1 KB)
I don’t understand why the above error is apearing, can anyone help me on this?