I’m facing an issue about GroupDocs.Parser when it is used inside a .net (c#) Windows Services.
My product has a Core DLL that uses GroupDocs.Parser. When my Web Application use this Core DLL and make a call to the method at Core I get no error but when the same code runs inside a Windows Services, using the same Core DLL, a license error pops up or another one depeding on GroupDocs.Parser version.
I’m trying to use the following versions:
• 18.10.0
• 19.12.0
• 20.1.0
• 20.10.0
And always checking de license file.
Even using a version before my license expiration (with a double-checked about the license file) I get:
“System.IndexOutOfRangeException: At most 4 elements (for any collection) can be viewed in evaluation mode.
at DMDocs.Core.Infrastructure.Parser.ParserHandler.ExtractText() in c:\Dev\DoMore\Git\dmdocs_vNext\DMDocs.Core\Infrastructure\GroupDocs\Parser\ParserHandler.cs:line 73”
When a try another GroupDocs.Parser version I get:
“System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type ‘Aspose.Words.LoadOptions’ from assembly ‘Aspose.Words, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=716fcc553a201e56’.
at GroupDocs.Parser.Parser.GetText(TextOptions options)
at DMDocs.Core.Infrastructure.Parser.ParserHandler.ExtractText() in c:\Dev\DoMore\Git\dmdocs_vNext\DMDocs.Core\Infrastructure\GroupDocs\Parser\ParserHandler.cs:line 73
at DMDocs.Core.Infrastructure.Preview.Preview.CreatePreviewForFile() in c:\Dev\DoMore\Git\dmdocs_vNext\DMDocs.Core\Infrastructure\Preview\Preview.cs:line 167”