GroupDocs.Parser license issue

I’m facing an issue about GroupDocs.Parser when it is used inside a .net (c#) Windows Services.
My product has a Core DLL that uses GroupDocs.Parser. When my Web Application use this Core DLL and make a call to the method at Core I get no error but when the same code runs inside a Windows Services, using the same Core DLL, a license error pops up or another one depeding on GroupDocs.Parser version.

I’m trying to use the following versions:
• 18.10.0
• 19.12.0
• 20.1.0
• 20.10.0

And always checking de license file.

Even using a version before my license expiration (with a double-checked about the license file) I get:

“System.IndexOutOfRangeException: At most 4 elements (for any collection) can be viewed in evaluation mode.
at DMDocs.Core.Infrastructure.Parser.ParserHandler.ExtractText() in c:\Dev\DoMore\Git\dmdocs_vNext\DMDocs.Core\Infrastructure\GroupDocs\Parser\ParserHandler.cs:line 73”

When a try another GroupDocs.Parser version I get:

“System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type ‘Aspose.Words.LoadOptions’ from assembly ‘Aspose.Words, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=716fcc553a201e56’.
at GroupDocs.Parser.Parser.GetText(TextOptions options)
at DMDocs.Core.Infrastructure.Parser.ParserHandler.ExtractText() in c:\Dev\DoMore\Git\dmdocs_vNext\DMDocs.Core\Infrastructure\GroupDocs\Parser\ParserHandler.cs:line 73
at DMDocs.Core.Infrastructure.Preview.Preview.CreatePreviewForFile() in c:\Dev\DoMore\Git\dmdocs_vNext\DMDocs.Core\Infrastructure\Preview\Preview.cs:line 167”


Please share following details and we’ll look into this issue:

  • Sample application using that issue could be reproduced (please make sure to use the latest version, 20.10 in your case)
  • A short video explaining/showing steps to reproduce the issue
  • Valid license file (please send it in a private message)

I figure out whats is happening.
When I add the GroupDocs.Parser package to the Windows Service project the depedencies to the Aspose (Words, Cells, etc.) is set to version 20 and above. If I fix it to 19 and bellow it works and no license problems happens anymore. It’s a weird behavior because I did the same procedure adding GroupDocs.Parser in my Core DLL and in the Web Application and the Aspose dependencies was set up correctly.

Please, you can close this issue but I think that something has to be checked about the dinamic dependency that was automatically included in the App.config.

Thanks for your help.


Glad to know that the issue is fixed.

Please share a screencast/video explaining the steps to reproduce the issue.