GroupDocs.Redaction for Java is taking too long to redact PDF files

Redaction of a 5MB PDF file having 329 pages, using 8 ExactPhraseRedaction redactions is taking around 100 seconds. The redacted file being created is also double the size of the original file that is, 10.5MB. Where as, on redacting a 5MB word (.docx) file, its taking only 5 seconds. Can you suggest some optimization for redaction of PDF files which can bring the redaction time somewhere near to 5 seconds and the redacted file size does not increase that much?

Can you share the performance metrics of redaction of different types of files?

System configuration:
RAM - 18GB
OS - macOS Sonoma
Chip - M3 pro

Code snippet being used:

final Redactor redactor = new Redactor(Constants.SAMPLE_PDF);
String[] word_list = new String[]{"378282246310005", "371449635398431", "6011111111111117", "35", "", "546-637-8854", "Alex", "322271083"};

Redaction[] redactList = -> new ExactPhraseRedaction(word,
					new ReplacementOptions(Color.BLACK))).toArray(Redaction[]::new);

RedactorChangeLog result = redactor.apply(redactList);
if (result.getStatus() != RedactionStatus.Failed) {
				SaveOptions saveOptions = new SaveOptions();
} else {
//Logging error
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Could you please share following details and we’ll further investigate this issue:

  • Source/Problematic file
  • GroupDocs.Redaction version that you are using

Please note that the redaction process depends on various factors for any document, depending on its content. For instance, a 5MB file with text-based content may take less time than a 5MB file containing paragraphs, tables, lists, or images. However, if you share the problematic file, we can identify the root cause of why this particular document is taking more time.

  1. Unable to attach the PDF as the maximum limit of attachment allowed is 4MB. Even tried compressing the file, still its above 4MB. Can you share your email ID where I can send you that file?
  2. I am using 24.9 version of GroupDocs.Redaction.

Moreover, the redacted file is almost double the size of the original one. Any reason for that and could you suggest some way to reduce the size of the redacted file?


Please upload the source/problematic file to some cloud storage and share link here. We’ll then investigate this issue.

This is the link to download:

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