GroupDocs.Viewer for Polarion


I am interested in using the GroupDocs.Viewer in Siemens Polarion as a quick attachment viewer.
Is there some kind of guide on how to implement it for use in Polarion?
Maybe somebody already has some Know-How regarding a GD.Viewer implementation in Polarion and can shed some light.

Any leads are appreciated.

Thank you and best regards,



I’m sorry for the delayed response. Can you please confirm that you’re planing to use GroupDocs.Viewer for Java?

Hey Vladimir,

no worries. Yes, we want to use GD.Viewer for Java.


Unfortunately, we do not have a guide integration with Siemens Polarion. Please check our Drowpwizard and Spring demo projects at to get started. In general, you need Java to start using GroupDocs.Viewer to build your application.