GroupDocs.Viewer is unable to detect password protected 7z archive

Related to this other issue that has been resolved:

GroupDocs.Viewer is unable to detect password protected 7z archive.

Test code - password protected 7z archive shows Encrypted = False, but password protected zip archive shows Encrypted = True:

Using FileDialog As New OpenFileDialog
	If FileDialog.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
		Using Viewer As GroupDocs.Viewer.Viewer = New GroupDocs.Viewer.Viewer(FileDialog.FileName)
			Dim FileInfo As GroupDocs.Viewer.Results.FileInfo = Viewer.GetFileInfo()
			MsgBox($"Encrypted = {FileInfo.Encrypted}")
		End Using
	End If
End Using

Just realized that GroupDocs.Viewer is unable to detect password protected 7z archive as well.

Test code - password protected 7z archive shows Encrypted = False, but password protected zip archive shows Encrypted = True:

Using FileDialog As New OpenFileDialog
	If FileDialog.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
		Using Viewer As GroupDocs.Viewer.Viewer = New GroupDocs.Viewer.Viewer(FileDialog.FileName)
			Dim FileInfo As GroupDocs.Viewer.Results.FileInfo = Viewer.GetFileInfo()
			MsgBox($"Encrypted = {FileInfo.Encrypted}")
		End Using
	End If
End Using


Thank you for reporting this issue. Can you please also share the sample file you’re using and version of GroupDocs.Viewer?

I’m using GroupDocs.Total 23.5 - not sure what’s the GroupDocs.Viewer version that is bundled with it.

testing.7z (162 Bytes)

The attached sample 7z archive was created using the 7-Zip settings in the attached screenshot:

image.png (17.6 KB)


Thank you, we can reproduce this issue at our end. As soon as we fix this issue we’ll update you. The issue ID for reference is VIEWERNET-4419.

Just checking in to find out if this issue will be addressed in the next GroupDocs.Total for .NET release.


I’m sorry for the delayed response. We do have plans to include this fix in the next version of GroupDocs.Total for .NET and GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET. At the moment the fix is in development. We’ll let you know in case any new information.


This issue has been fixed. We will let you know when the new version becomes available.

Thanks Vladimir, looking forward to it.


You’re welcome! Have a nice day!


GroupDocs.Total for .NET 23.7, which includes the fix for this issue, has been published.

Have a nice day!

Thanks Vladimir, will check it out!


You’re welcome!

Hi Vladimir,

I noticed that upgrading from GroupDocs.Total 23.5 to 23.7 introduced 8 additional DLLs into my build which targets .NET Framework 4.8:

19/02/2020 18:05 20,856 System.Buffers.dll
19/10/2022 00:25 198,784 System.Collections.Immutable.dll
08/05/2022 11:31 142,240 System.Memory.dll
15/05/2018 21:29 115,856 System.Numerics.Vectors.dll
19/10/2022 00:25 466,576 System.Reflection.Metadata.dll
19/10/2022 00:37 245,888 System.Reflection.MetadataLoadContext.dll
23/10/2021 07:40 18,024 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
28/03/2019 02:11 20,736 System.ValueTuple.dll

Are the above DLLs required?

They appear to be required due to the dependency on System.Reflection.MetadataLoadContext from 23.6 onwards.



The System.Reflection.MetadataLoadContext is used by GroupDocs.Conversion that has this dependency since v23.6 so GroupDocs.Total has it too.

Thanks Vladimir, just curious to know, was System.Reflection.MetadataLoadContext used to resolve the below issue?


No problem, let me get in touch with the team regarding your question.


GroupDocs.Conversion team uses System.Reflection.MetadataLoadContext to load all the types without loading all internal and heavy dependencies to improve startup time.


This issue has been also fixed in GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 23.8.