GroupDocs.Viewer: Migrating from 3.2.2 to 3.7.0 version

Dear all,

I need some information with the differences between 3.2.2 and 3.7.0 version.

Since I upgrade the version, I’ve problems with the License when my Spring Framework application starts up and the BeanService loads.

I set the License befere any bussiness logic:
com.groupdocs.viewer.licensing.License lic = new
lic.setLicense(LICENSE); // I’ve tried with String path and InputStream

Checking the License status with the static method com.groupdocs.viewer.licensing.License.isValidLicense() the result is ‘false’ all times, only with this new version 3.7.0

I’ve GroupDocs.Total.Java.lic

After uses, the render result is a black image evaluation of Aspose.Imaging

Exploring the JARs files, I can find the License file Aspose.Total.Java.lic in all of them except on this version groupdocs-viewer-3.7.0.jar


Thanks for all

Kind regards.
Fran Rosende

Hi Fran,

Thanks for taking interest in GroupDocs.Viewer for Java 3.x and sharing your concerns.
Are you able to reproduce this issue using our example/showcase project ? We’ll appreciate your incorporation.

Many Thanks
Hi Atir,

Thanks for your response.

I import the class in my project, set the licensePath and invoke in static code block the method applyLicenseFromFile() with the same results.

After 15 uses, only render this image

Sorry for repeating me, is normal that the file groupdocs-viewer-3.7.0.jar does not contain the license Aspose.Total.Java.lic?


Fran Rosende

Hi Fran,

After uses, the render result is a black image evaluation of Aspose.Imaging
We are not able to reproduce this issue at our end using 3.7.0 version of the API and GroupDocs.Total.Java.lic file. See the attached screenshot.
is normal that the file groupdocs-viewer-3.7.0.jar does not contain the license Aspose.Total.Java.lic?
Please note GroupDocs.Total.Java.lic is compatible with GroupDocs for Java APIs. So, yes the Jar doesn’t contain Aspose.Total.Java.lice file and there is no need of Aspose license as well.
Can you please share the problematic file so that we can test that at our end as well?
