How to convert pptx to tiff using C#


When I convert the attached Basic.pptx to a multipage TIFF file with GroupDocs.Conversion v19.9.0, I get an OutOfMemoryException. I’ve attached a simple function to repro the issue.

I am running as x86 on a VM with 10GB showing 3GB available. Please also see the attached containing a screenshot from the debugger, text file with the stack trace, and packages.config indicating what version of the specific product is being used.

 var convertOptions = new ImageConvertOptions
    Format = ImageFileType.Tiff, 
    Grayscale = false,
    TiffOptions = { Compression = TiffCompressionMethods.Lzw },
    HorizontalResolution = 400,
    VerticalResolution = 400,

 using (var converter = new GroupDocs.Conversion.Converter(() => File.OpenRead(sourceFile))) 
    converter.Convert(() => new FileStream(destFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate), convertOptions);

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide on avoiding or working around this issue.

OutOfMemory.png (111.0 KB) (331.3 KB)


Can you please try this code (set source and output files path as per your requirements):

string outputFileTemplate = Path.Combine(@"D:\Data", "converted-page-{0}.tiff");
SavePageStream getPageStream = page => new FileStream(string.Format(outputFileTemplate, page), FileMode.Create);
string sourceFile = @"C:\Users\ABC\Downloads\OutOfMemory\OutOfMemory\";
using (Converter converter = new Converter(sourceFile + "Basic.pptx"))
    ImageConvertOptions options = new ImageConvertOptions
        Format = ImageFileType.Tiff,
        Grayscale = false,
        TiffOptions = { Compression = TiffCompressionMethods.Lzw },
        HorizontalResolution = 400,
        VerticalResolution = 400,
    converter.Convert(getPageStream, options);

And let us know if this resolves your issue.


No. It still gets the OutOfMemoryException even with saving to separate files.

I also wanted to mention that we would like to save the resulting pages to a multipage TIFF rather than separate TIFFs that have to be re-read and saved into a multipage TIFF.

Finally, I did find a work around that does work. If I set UsePdf=true in ImageConvertOptions with the original code, I do not get the error.

That is, this works:

 var convertOptions = new ImageConvertOptions
    Format = ImageFileType.Tiff,
    Grayscale = false,
    TiffOptions = { Compression = TiffCompressionMethods.Lzw },
    HorizontalResolution = 400,
    VerticalResolution = 400,
    UsePdf = true // ADDING THIS SEEMS TO ELIMINATE The OutOfMemoryException

 using (var converter = new Converter(() => File.OpenRead(sourceFile))) 
    converter.Convert(() => new FileStream(destFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate), convertOptions);

What is the impact of using the UsePdf option?


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Good to know that your issue is resolved.

We are investigating this. Your investigation ticket ID is CONVERSIONNET-3322. As there is any further update, you’ll be notified.

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