How to integrate the user interface in java

Hello, in the company where I work we are interested in obtaining the GroupDoc.Viewer tools, they asked me to do a pilot but I can’t find information on how to integrate the user interface that GroupDoc offers when the document is viewed, my prototype converts and shows the document in html but I would like to have the attractive user interface that GroupDoc offers to show it to my boss (our project works with java), sorry for my English, I speak Spanish, thank you very much


You can find demo projects in this repository - GroupDocs.Viewer-for-Java at GitHub. The steps to integrate UI into you project can be found in the README in GroupDocs.Viewer-for-Java-UI.

What web framework do you use? In case you have any issues with integration Viewer into your project please let us know and we’ll try to help you.

Hello, thank you for your response, the framework we use is Spring, I have downloaded some free trial jars of the Viewer, to integrate the UI is it not necessary to import a JAR other than the viewer?


In case you want to implement your own UI than you can reference only this package


or GroupDocs.Viewer Jar file e.g. groupdocs-viewer-24.8.jar.

When you plan to use groupdocs-viewer-ui package you will need all the dependencies listed in the
