How to not display attachment information in header while converting eml to pdf

We have a requirement to not display the attachment information while converting email to pdf.
we have a license and using C# and the latest release of the group doc converter.

We don’t want to display highlighted in red.

Could you please help and post the C# code for not displaying attachments infomration while converting?

.NET Framework 4.5.2.

Current code in the application -


using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead("GroupDocs.Conversion.NET.lic"))
                            License license = new License();
                            string documentPath = emailFilePath + ".eml"; // NOTE: Put here actual path for your document
                            string outputPath = emailFilePath  + ".pdf";

                            using (Converter converter = new Converter(documentPath))
                                PdfConvertOptions convertOptions = new PdfConvertOptions();

image.png (14.4 KB)


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