We would like to use GroupDocs Converter to create thumbnail image of various document formats, but the output quality is rather bad.
Please see the huge difference between the output from the Viewer and Converter:
Thumbnail Conversion.png (3.7 KB)
Thumbnail Viewer.png (16.6 KB)
For the viewer those options were used:
var options = new ViewOpts.PngViewOptions(pageStreamHandler.CreateNewStream)
Width = 256 //pixel -> low resolution for thumbnails
viewer.View(options, 1);
For conversion those options were used:
var options = new ImageConvertOptions()
Format = ImageFileType.Png,
//convert only the first page for thumbnail
PageNumber = 1,
PagesCount = 1,
Width = 256 //pixel -> low resolution for thumbnail
I tried different options but I could not get better results with Conversion.
Is there some way to improve the quality that I overlooked?