How to set the change author

When I compare two different word documents the Author of the change is shown in the resultant Word track changes as GroupDocs, is there a way to have control to set this?



Please take a look at the source/target and output (26.3 KB). Could you please highlight this issue in the resultant file (that we shared)?

Hi Atir

I think the compare you did was not with track changes.

See the code below, I was expecting the

image.png (204.5 KB)

You can see with the TrackChanges option enabled, it says that GroupDocs was the one to delete the text:
image.png (4.7 KB)

Also, I notice that the modified has track changes turned on and it does not seem able to identify the track changes text in the comparison, this would be important for us as we need to show the changes whether accepted or not.

I have include a ZIP of the files

Allen (42.9 KB)


Thanks for the details. We’ll investigate this scenario and let you know in case of any update.

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Thanks Atir, is there a Jira portal to track issues?

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You can see ticket/issue status at the bottom of this thread. Please take a look at this screenshot.png (1.8 KB). As there’s any progress, status will be updated here.