IE 11 issue

Sample application (GroupDocs.Viewer-for-.NET-WebForms) is not working in Windows 10 + IE 11, Its giving JS errors


Thanks for contacting support.

Could you please share with us the details of the errors? You can also share with us the screenshots of the errors as well.

Please find error screenshot - IE_Error.png (6.9 KB)

And when we resolved this error by removing default value, its giving error to next functions.

Hello Support,

We have resolved IE 11 issues, resolutions are as below -

  1. removed default parameter value (+ checked undefined and assigned value)
  2. Added CDN ES6 JS libraries to support “promise” function
  3. Function arrow (=>) pointers are removed with function.

Now its working fine. Please confirm resolution are correct and fine for front end application features


Thanks for your response.

It is good to know that you have resolved the issue at your end. We are also able to reproduce this issue and in order to fix it in the front end application, we have logged it in GitHub issues as JS error when running the application in IE 11 · Issue #6 · groupdocs-viewer/GroupDocs.Viewer-for-.NET-WebForms · GitHub. We shall surely keep you updated about the fix.


The issue you have reported earlier, logged as, has been fixed. Please download the updated version of the application from the GitHub repository.