Illegal reflective access error and unsatisfied link error

Getting Illegal reflective access error and unsatisfied link error when using latest 21.11.1 group docs DocViewer for Java library and example program getting the following error. JDK 15. Please help.

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by com.groupdocs.viewer.utils.u (file:/C:/Users/ravi_/.m2/repository/com/groupdocs/groupdocs-viewer/21.11.1/groupdocs-viewer-21.11.1.jar) to field
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of com.groupdocs.viewer.utils.u
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
Feb 16, 2022 9:40:40 PM com.groupdocs.viewer.internal.c.a.w.internal.zzYCP zzY2m
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: ‘java.util.Map com.groupdocs.viewer.internal.c.a.w.gk.readRegistryStringValues(int, java.lang.String)’
at com.groupdocs.viewer.internal.c.a.w.gk.readRegistryStringValues(Native Method)
at com.groupdocs.viewer.internal.c.a.w.internal.zzYR2.readRegistryStringValues(Unknown Source)
at com.groupdocs.viewer.internal.c.a.w.internal.zzZLz.zzbj(Unknown Source)
at com.groupdocs.viewer.internal.c.a.w.internal.zzZsm.zzKn(Unknown Source)
at com.groupdocs.viewer.internal.c.a.w.internal.zzZsm.zzWzr(Unknown Source)


Welcome to GroupDocs Forum!

We’ve reproduced this issue on our side. While these logs are printed to the console the app should work as expected and produce the output. We’ve created the issue in our internal bug-tracker with ID VIEWERJAVA-2753 and will update you as soon as we have any new information.

Thanks, yes it works. Is there any spring web example of how to send the HTML to the browser where all the pages are shown? I am trying to render docx in the browser with all the pages and thumbnails. Any examples of this are appreciated.


Thank you for your feedback.

Please check our Spring Demo -

After a brief investigation, we’ve got more information about An illegal reflective access operation has occurred. We’re using reflection in our code and the newer versions of Java log warnings. While these warnings should not affect documents rendering we’ll try resolving this issue at our side.