About 1-2 minutes to export a image
Result saved image
image.png (6.0 KB) -
My code:
public static class GroupDocsApi
// Function use GroupDocs API to compare words
public static ChangeInfo[] CompareDoc(string source, string target, string outPut)
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
// Check the resource name for your license file
string resourceName = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames().Single(str => str.EndsWith("GroupDocs.Comparison.NET.lic"));
Console.WriteLine("Path: {0}.", resourceName);
// Load license from embedded resource
using (var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName))
if (stream != null)
License license = new License();
throw new FileNotFoundException("License file not found as embedded resource.");
Console.WriteLine("Start calculate process time API....");
// Using Group Docs API to compare word
using (
Comparer comparer = new Comparer(source))
// Options for Group Docs API
CompareOptions compareOptions = new CompareOptions()
//MarkNestedContent = true,
GenerateSummaryPage = false,
MarkChangedContent = true,
DetectStyleChanges = true,
CompareBookmarks = false,
ChangedItemStyle = new StyleSettings()
HighlightColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow,
ShapeColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightYellow,
InsertedItemStyle = new StyleSettings()
HighlightColor = System.Drawing.Color.Aqua,
ShapeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue,
DeletedItemStyle = new StyleSettings()
HighlightColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red,
ShapeColor= System.Drawing.Color.LightCoral,
DetalisationLevel = DetalisationLevel.High
//ShowDeletedContent = false,
//ShowInsertedContent = false,
// Start compare with options
comparer.Compare(outPut, compareOptions);
TimeSpan elapsedTime = stopwatch.Elapsed;
Console.WriteLine("Time process API: " + elapsedTime.ToString());
ProcessBar.UpdateProcessBar(60); // Percent for process bar
// Get changes of word
ChangeInfo[] changes = comparer.GetChanges();
int[] pageNumbers = Functions.GroupChangesByPage(changes).Keys.ToArray();
Stopwatch stopwatch1 = new Stopwatch();
CreatePageImage(outPut, pageNumbers);
TimeSpan elapsedTime1 = stopwatch1.Elapsed;
Console.WriteLine("Time process create images: " + elapsedTime1.ToString());
return changes;
public static void CreatePageImage(string outPut, int[] pageNumbers)
FileStream fileStream = null;
fileStream = File.OpenRead(outPut);
Document document = new Document(fileStream);
string folderTempPath = Storage.FolderTempPath;
PreviewOptions previewOptions = new PreviewOptions(pageNumber =>
var pagePath = Path.Combine(folderTempPath, $"result_{pageNumber}.png");
return File.Create(pagePath);
previewOptions.PreviewFormat = PreviewFormats.PNG;
previewOptions.PageNumbers = pageNumbers;
ProcessBar.UpdateProcessBar(80); // Percent for process bar