Image is not clear enough

The attached pdf has two images. In the original the sharpness is excellent, in the image rendered on the viewer, it is not possible to read the content. It is not sufficiently clear.
Mala calidad en (1.2 MB)


Thanks for using GroupDocs.Viewer. Would you please share with us the version of GroupDocs.Viewer API and the sample source code you are using? Furthermore, in case you are using any of our open source document viewer applications, please mention its name. We shall be looking forward to your response.

Hi, we are using version 17.
Developer OEM licesing.

VisorGroupdocs17.4.0 (1.6 MB)


Thanks for providing the required details. We are able to reproduce your reported issue at our end. The issue has been logged in our Issue Tracking System (with ID: VIEWERNET-1508) for further investigation. In case of any updates, we’ll keep you informed.

Hi there, where can i do tracking to the issue?
This issue has priority for us.

Best regards


Thanks for coming back. I am afraid that you can not track the issue by yourself. However, we’ll keep you informed in case of any updates. Furthermore, you can also avail the Priority Support in case you want to increase the priority of this issue in our Issue Tracking System. For more details on Priority Support, please visit here.


Hello, how are you? is there any news?
We paid priority support in the past and did not work.


Thanks for coming back to us. We are delighted to inform you that your reported issue has been fixed. It is expected that the fix will be the part of the upcoming version (18.2) of GroupDOcs.Viewer for .NET. We’ll keep providing you the updates in this regards. Please stay tuned with us.

You can feel free to share the issues with us.


The issue you have found earlier (filed as VIEWERNET-1508) has been fixed in this update. Furthermore, we have added a new setting to PdfOptions class named as ImageQuality. By default image quality is set to “Low” for best performance. However, you can control the quality as shown in the below code sample.

//Set high image quality
HtmlOptions htmlOptions = new HtmlOptions();
htmlOptions.PdfOptions.ImageQuality = ImageQuality.High;
//Render pages
List<PageHtml> pages = viewerHtmlHandler.GetPages(guid, htmlOptions);

Hi there.
Thanks for the update.
What about performance? is it affected with this change?

Best regards.


Thanks for coming back to us.

Yes, with the ImageQuality.Low value you’ll have the best performance and with ImageQuality.High value, you’ll have the best quality but it will slow down the rendering comparatively.