Images have wrong colors when converting certain PDF to PNG

When trying to covert the following pdf to png result are lacking of certain colors and information:
pdftest.pdf (294.3 KB)
We were using GroupDocs.Viewer 23.10.0 for .NET with PngViewOptions but no special options.


Thank you for sharing the sample file. I have reproduced this issue with 23.10 and the latest version as well. The issue ID for reference is VIEWERNET-4887. As soon as we have any updates we’ll let you know.

Hi @vladimir.litvinchik, are there any updates regarding this issue?


Unfortunately, there have been no updates at the moment.

Hi @vladimir.litvinchik, are there any updates regarding this issue?


The issue was assigned to a developer for investigation. As soon as I have any information I’ll let you know.


I understand and appreciate that a developer is looking into this.

As we also have several clients reporting a bug due to this issue, I wanted to ask if you are able to provide any clarity on:

  1. If you will be able to provide a solution to this issue?
  2. When (approximately) you think you will be able to provide us with this solution?

Information in this regard will at least enable us to provide an update to our clients whom are awaiting this bug fix, so any update is appreciated.


As soon we have investigation results we’ll be able to share more information.


Please share what version of .NET the application you’re running is targeting.

@vladimir.litvinchik it’s .net 6, but I have performed couple tests, and looks like the problem not only due to that, I have checked the older version v23 of group docs, and using it background was converted, but using v24.5 it’s missing. Attaching the test application.

Just put a breakpoint to the line:

and using any online converter to convert base64 image to image, f.e. Base64 to Image | Base64 Decode | Base64 Converter | Base64
You’ll see that the background of the pdf is missing.

I have simplified the program, of course, you could save the file, and the result will be the same. (279.1 KB)


We have found the root cause of this issue and planning to fix it in the next version of GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 24.7 that is planned to publish by the end of this month.


This issue was fixed in GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 24.7. You can find new version at:

Have a nice day!