Incorrect index version. This version can not be updated


I have a ASP .NET Core website and I’m running into the following error on subsequent runs:
Incorrect index version. This version can not be updated.

Here’s the stack trace for the error (and no inner exceptions):
at .(String )
at .(Boolean , String , Boolean , IndexSettings )
at …ctor(String )
at GroupDocs.Search.Index…ctor(String indexFolder)
at Program.Main(String[] args) in Program.cs:line 21

On the first run of the project the index gets created fine if the folder is empty. However, if I try to use the local index folder from the previous execution, the exception is thrown. What causes this exception and how can I avoid this in ASP .NET Core solution?


Could you please share the sample application using that issue could be reproduced? Have a look at this basic console application, let us know if you still get same issue in it.

I unfortunately can’t share my project, but I created this empty project that has the exact issue. Fill in the correct paths within program.cs and then run with IISExpress, close the site and and then run again with IIS Express. One the second run you’ll get the error when attempting to instantiate an Index. (991.3 KB)

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We’re investigating this scenario with ticket ID SEARCHNET-2605. You’ll be notified in case of any update.


We have an update on SEARCHNET-2605.
Please use .NET Core 3.1 before we fix the problem. The issue is, BinaryFormatter is disabled in .NET 5.0. BinaryFormatter serialization and deserialization are disabled within this application. See this article for more information. We are investigating this issue and it will be fixed as soon as possible.

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Would you be able to provide a timeline if/when this can be resolved? At the moment the software is being evaluated against other options, and if .NET 5.0 doesn’t work we’ll have to choose another product.



We fixed the bug and released the hot fix in v.21.8.1.

That’s great, thank you! Will this fix be pushed to Nuget?

** Scratch that, I see it now! Thank you for the quick turn around.

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You’re welcome.