Is it possible to include folder name when rendering archive folders in .NET?


I was wondering if it is somehow possible / can be added for a future release, that the folder names are included when rendering separate folders of an archive?
I used the RenderArchiveFolder sample, to render every folder of ZIP archive, and then merged them to one file:
Test ZIP.pdf (87.0 KB)

If instead of “.ZIP” the folder name could be rendered, that would be huge improvement.
Especially when rendering empty folders (see second page) there really is no information at all at the moment. But if it would include the folder name, it would at least be something.

Curently it’s not really clear what has been rendered on each page.

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This scenario has been logged as an investigation in our internal issue tracking system with ID VIEWERNET-2323. We’ll now investigate the possibility to implement this feature. As there is any update, you’ll be notified.

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In next release of the API (20.2), folder name will be displayed in the header when rendering into JPG/PNG/HTML/PDF. Have a look at this screenshot.png (38.6 KB). Once release is on-board, we’ll notify you.

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That looks really much better now with name + folder structure :star_struck:!
Thank you and the dev-team for implementing this and for the screenshot :blush:

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You are welcome :slight_smile:


In order to avail this feature, please download API version 20.2.

Thanks again for adding the folder names as requested :slight_smile: and also so quickly!

I feel a bit bad for asking… but would it be possible to add some property that lets one chose to only render the folder names and not the archive name?
I’ve noticed that we are using temporary filenames for the archive in some conversion steps and those names would show up now.
It’s not big deal if the file name stays, but if it’s possible to toggle it I’d appreciate it :slight_smile:

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You are welcome :slight_smile:

We will further investigate this scenario and notify you. Your new investigation ticket ID is VIEWERNET-2351.

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We’ll add HideFileName property to the ArchiveOptions class and when the property is enabled API will hide the archive filename and you’ll see the only folder in the header. See this screenshot.png (27.3 KB). We’ll implement this feature in next version of the API.

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Thanks a lot! I’m happy with this change :blush: screenshot looks good :+1:

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You are welcome.