Is signed URL functionality turned on?


I’ve read this part of your documentation ( after finding out that signing urls does nothing to secure documents. It states that signed url functionality has not yet been turned on.

I was wondering when this functionality will be turned on.



Thank you for your request. The URL signing functionality is already turned on. In case that you will be not logged in to your GroupDocs account and the URL will be not signed - you will get error message that you don't have permissions to View this document.

If you want to check this do next steps:
1 Logg of from GroupDocs.
2 Clear your browser cache.
3 Try to view document via not signed URL.

Hi Pavel,

I’ve already followed steps 1 through 3 and tested with this url DocViewer Embed

I am still able to access the document. Notice that I’ve excluded the “signature” parameter.


Thank you for coming back. The URL that you shared with us is a embed URL - and it’s a public e.g. each one that have it , can see the document. This is something like share link from dropbox and youtube. The URL signing functionality is for API requests. That means that you need this for making manipulations with the document or with your GroupDocs Account programmatically.

If you will have more questions please feel free to contact us.