Using version 24.3 we have an issue with conversion of thai characters. See input docx and output pdf where some characters are translated to little squares. Can you help us out please? Thanks a lot,
Please take a look at this Output.pdf (647.5 KB)
We cannot reproduce this issue at our end. Could you please share your development environment details and a list of installed font on the machine?
Thanks for your swift reply. The environment is a windows server 2022 with following installed fonts:
Name : Arial
Name : Arial Black
Name : Bahnschrift
Name : Bahnschrift Condensed
Name : Bahnschrift Light
Name : Bahnschrift Light Condensed
Name : Bahnschrift Light SemiCondensed
Name : Bahnschrift SemiBold
Name : Bahnschrift SemiBold Condensed
Name : Bahnschrift SemiBold SemiConden
Name : Bahnschrift SemiCondensed
Name : Bahnschrift SemiLight
Name : Bahnschrift SemiLight Condensed
Name : Bahnschrift SemiLight SemiConde
Name : Calibri
Name : Calibri Light
Name : Cambria
Name : Cambria Math
Name : Candara
Name : Candara Light
Name : Comic Sans MS
Name : Consolas
Name : Constantia
Name : Corbel
Name : Corbel Light
Name : Courier New
Name : Dotum
Name : DotumChe
Name : Ebrima
Name : Franklin Gothic Medium
Name : Gabriola
Name : Gadugi
Name : Georgia
Name : Gulim
Name : GulimChe
Name : Impact
Name : Ink Free
Name : Javanese Text
Name : Leelawadee UI
Name : Leelawadee UI Semilight
Name : Lucida Console
Name : Lucida Sans Unicode
Name : Malgun Gothic
Name : Malgun Gothic Semilight
Name : Marlett
Name : Microsoft Himalaya
Name : Microsoft JhengHei
Name : Microsoft JhengHei Light
Name : Microsoft JhengHei UI
Name : Microsoft JhengHei UI Light
Name : Microsoft New Tai Lue
Name : Microsoft PhagsPa
Name : Microsoft Sans Serif
Name : Microsoft Tai Le
Name : Microsoft YaHei
Name : Microsoft YaHei Light
Name : Microsoft YaHei UI
Name : Microsoft YaHei UI Light
Name : Microsoft Yi Baiti
Name : MingLiU
Name : MingLiU-ExtB
Name : MingLiU_HKSCS
Name : MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB
Name : Mongolian Baiti
Name : MS Gothic
Name : MS PGothic
Name : MS UI Gothic
Name : MV Boli
Name : Myanmar Text
Name : Nirmala UI
Name : Nirmala UI Semilight
Name : NSimSun
Name : Palatino Linotype
Name : PMingLiU
Name : PMingLiU-ExtB
Name : Segoe MDL2 Assets
Name : Segoe Print
Name : Segoe Script
Name : Segoe UI
Name : Segoe UI Black
Name : Segoe UI Emoji
Name : Segoe UI Historic
Name : Segoe UI Light
Name : Segoe UI Semibold
Name : Segoe UI Semilight
Name : Segoe UI Symbol
Name : SimSun
Name : SimSun-ExtB
Name : Sitka Banner
Name : Sitka Display
Name : Sitka Heading
Name : Sitka Small
Name : Sitka Subheading
Name : Sitka Text
Name : Sylfaen
Name : Symbol
Name : Tahoma
Name : Times New Roman
Name : Trebuchet MS
Name : Verdana
Name : Webdings
Name : Wingdings
Name : Yu Gothic
Name : Yu Gothic Light
Name : Yu Gothic Medium
Name : Yu Gothic UI
Name : Yu Gothic UI Light
Name : Yu Gothic UI Semibold
Name : Yu Gothic UI Semilight
I noticed the used thai characters are used with different fonts such as ‘Browallia New’ and ‘Cordia New’, but they do not look installed on the server. Should we install them or what could be the solution?
Hi Atir,
thanks for the advice, installing the missing font Browalia New for all users on the server fixed the conversion issue. Thanks a lot for your assistance!