Issue in AIX for GroupDocs.Conversion for java

I am testing GroupDocs.Conversion for java 20.2.1 on a AIX OS. Trying to convert a Word document which doesn’t have any text in Arial font, but getting Arial font not found exception, see the exception below. Then tried another blank file with no text, then also it threw same error. I also tried by setting default font and font substitution but it always throws same error. Arial font is not installed on that machine. Do you know how to resolve this issue and why it is looking for Arial font when the document which we are trying convert don’t have any text in Arial font?

class com.groupdocs.conversion.internal.c.a.pd.exceptions.FontNotFoundException: Font Arial was not found
com.groupdocs.conversion.internal.c.a.pd.FontRepository.findFont(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converting.operations.EvaluationMessageApplyOperation.b(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converting.operations.EvaluationMessageApplyOperation.b(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converting.operations.EvaluationMessageApplyOperation$2.h(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converting.operations.EvaluationMessageApplyOperation.execute(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.pipeline.e$1$1.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converting.operations.WatermarkApplyOperation.execute(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.pipeline.e$1$1.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converting.operations.ResizeOperation.execute(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.pipeline.e$1$1.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converting.operations.PagesLimitOperation.execute(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.pipeline.e$1$1.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converting.operations.ToPdfConversionOperation.execute(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.pipeline.e$1$1.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converting.operations.RemoveCommentsOperation.execute(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.pipeline.e$1$1.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converting.operations.PagesLimitOperation.execute(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.pipeline.e$1$1.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converting.operations.PreProcessWordProcessingDocumentOperation.execute(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.pipeline.e$1$1.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.pipeline.d.execute(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.Converter.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.Converter.convert(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.Converter.convert(Unknown Source)

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Please share following details and we’ll investigate this scenario:

  • Sample application (we’d recommend you to share a console application using that issue could be reproduced)
  • Problematic file(s)

I had some unrelated issue with out AIX machine so it took some time to test using a stand alone class file. (10.1 KB)
Attaching the requested files.

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We’re investigating this scenario. Your investigation ticket ID is CONVERSIONJAVA-1085. You’ll be notified in case of any further progress.

Do you have any update on this?


This issue is still under investigation. However, you’ll be notified about the outcomes ASAP.

Do you have any update on this?


Please use API version 20.10.2 with the following code:

ConverterSettings converterSettings = new ConverterSettings();
converterSettings.setFontDirectories(Collections.singletonList(new File("custom_fonts").getAbsoluteFile().getCanonicalPath()));
Converter converter = new Converter("Input.pptx", converterSettings);
PdfConvertOptions options = new PdfConvertOptions();
converter.convert("Output.pdf", options);

Let us know if it works for you.

Thanks @Atir_Tahir for your reply. The latest version is 20.10.3 but you asked me to test it on 20.10.2. Will it not work on 20.10.3?

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You could use 20.10.3 as well.

In above statement shall I use “custom_fonts” as it is or it need to be replaced by a specific value?

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You can replace it with the specific font.