Using Converter
It converts from xlsx to pptx
The xlsx content is truncated and converted.
Is there a way to convert xlsx contents because they are not cut?
[Refer to the JAVA sources]
Converter converter = new Converter(rsltFile.getPath());
PresentationConvertOptions options = new PresentationConvertOptions();
converter.convert(qcReportPptxFile.toString(), options);
I am afraid I could not find Converter Object in GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud SDK for Java. Can you please confirm which converter you are referring in your code?
However, if you are using GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud SDK for Java then you need to set setOnePagePerSheet proerty of SpreadSheetLoadoptions to true as following to resolve the content truncation issue.
You used groupdocs-conversion-22.3.jar. (com.groupdocs.conversion.Converter)
I’ve used setOnePagePerSheet(true)
It is not cut like the image below, but it is converted into one sheet.
We cannot open the .z02 file at our end. It seems that the ZIP is corrupted. Could you please upload the document without compression on some cloud storage (e.g. Google Drive) and share link here?
Thank you for sharing the details. This issue reproduced at our end. Therefore, we’ve logged it in our internal issue tracking system with ID CONVERSIONJAVA-1681. You’ll be notified in case of any update.