Java groupdocs conversion dpi configuration does not work on linux system

HEre is the conversion code:

try (Converter converter = new Converter(fileName)) {
                    final ImageConvertOptions options = new ImageConvertOptions();
                    options.setFormat(FileType.fromExtension("png")); // Set format to PNG


                    converter.convert(new SavePageStream() {
                                          public OutputStream invoke(int i) {
                                              String fileImgName = i + "-" + UUID.randomUUID() + ".png";

                                              try {
                                                  System.err.println("save file: " + fileImgName );
                                                  return new FileOutputStream(fileImgName); 
                                              } catch (Exception e) {
                                                  System.err.println("Could not save file: " + fileImgName + " ex:" + e.getMessage());
                                                  return null;

This converion is works fine on windows I mean the output of conversion pptx slides to images have good qyality and resolution 200 dpi
The same on linux rocky 9/kali/ centos generate images but ignores DPI configuration it means that the output dpi is always 96 DPI

Any idea how to force convert to high quality 200 dpi images on linus?
Tested versions from

always the same result output images of slides ale low quality and low resolution

Tested java 11,17,21 the same results.

Hello @cyprian11 ,

Thank you for reaching out. We have registered your issue in our system under the ID CONVERSIONJAVA-2719. It will take some time for us to investigate this problem. We will get back to you with the results as soon as possible.

Hello @cyprian11 ,

We were able to reproduce this issue on our side.
Unfortunately, we currently do not have a workaround to offer. As we mentioned earlier, your issue has been registered under the reference number CONVERSIONJAVA-2719, and we will inform you as soon as the fix is included in a release.

thx a lot… We are waiting for correction. It blocks our delivery to customer.

Hello @cyprian11 ,

We’d like to suggest trying the ImageConvertOptions.setUsePdf(true) property as a temporary workaround until this issue is fixed.
We’ve verified that the DPI is applied to the converted image. Could you test this as well and share your results with us?