License Best Practice (.Net Core 5+, MVC)


Curious how to set a license file during application startup that covers all assemblies we may consume.

It appears as though I have to set a license for each component, even though the Total assembly is added to the solution.

I was unable to do something like:

GroupDocs.License license = new GroupDocs.License();
license.SetLicense(new MemoryStream(LicenseFileResource));

Instead, I have to manually do it for each component even though “Total” is the only GroupDocs assembly in the solution:

GroupDocs.Watermark.License license = new GroupDocs.Watermark.License();
license.SetLicense(new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.LicenseFileResource));

GroupDocs.Whatever.License license = new GroupDocs.Whatever.License();
license.SetLicense(new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.LicenseFileResource));

Is this best practice?

What is the best area inside the application to configure the license? StartUp.CS?

Thank you,

Do you have a GroupDocs.Total license? Please apply license in Application_Start method in Global.asax.cs.

Yes we do have a Total license.


We are investigating this scenario. Your investigation ticket ID is GRPDOCSTOTAL-8.

Perhaps just which set license API should be used because I did not see a Total.SetLicense


We’ll see if that is possible (set license just once). The ticket is under investigation.

Hi Atir,

Curious if this has made any progress.

Can a GroupDocs.Total license owner set a GroupDocs.Total license once during application startup? Or instead, do I need to set the license for each assembly I will be consuming?


I am afraid but this is not possible.
There is no way to set license with one line of code for all products and this is by design. You’ve to set license for each API.