Links in embedded documents


When i look at a document by logging in to the website and viewing it at the following url…
Containerize.IdentityServer - Single sign-on to access all applications and services of Aspose Pty Ltd.
…then any links in the document are clickable

But when I embed it they are no longer clickable.

This seems very strange given that links being clickable is fundamental to a good user experience.

Can this be fixed?


We are sorry to hear that you have such issue. We have checked and reproduced it. We have created a bug ticket (you can see it attached to the thread) and our product team will resolve it.

You will be notified when it will be ready.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you Pavel, I appreciate the work to fix this problem.

Is there any idea on how long it will take for the fix to be released?

Thank you!


Sorry but currently I can’t share the fix date. Our product team will need some time for investigation. I will ask them for ETA and when I will get updates from them I will notify you.

Please be patience.

hi there,

is there any new info on the timeline for this one?

many thanks!


Thank you for coming back. Yes, the issue fix will be released in a week or two. When it will be available we will notify you here.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Hi there,

I was just wondering if CORE-1878 had been fixed or if you had a date for it to be fixed?

Thank you!


We glad to inform you that this issue will be fixed in three weeks.

We will also notify you when this fix will be ready.

Thank you.

Hi Pavel,

Any update on CORE-1878?

I see it is marked as “fixed” above but I still seem to be having the same problem… perhaps there is a roll-out date for the fix?

Hello Richard,

Thank you for using GroupDocs.

This issue was fixed and released on last week. Could you please try to use the text selection mode, to the links in the document will be clickable.

If, after this scenario you will have the same issue , could you please create the video of the issue for us, because the scenario works well on our side.

Best regards
Evgen Efimov
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