Hi Team,
I am comparing two DOCX files using the Aspose Library. While converting DOCX to PDF, I am losing some important information where changes cannot be identified accurately.
For example, with color coding, it can identify that text has been deleted. However, if the text size, format, or font has been changed, it detects that there is a change but fails to retain details about what specifically has been modified.
I have attached both the DOCX and PDF files for reference.
Munish Singla
Aspose_v1_v2.pdf (1.2 MB)
Aspose_v1-v2 2.docx (102.1 KB)
Hello @sandeepsuthari,
To assist you in resolving this issue, we need more information about your use case. Could you please share the product version you are using and provide a code sample that demonstrates how you are performing the conversion?
Hi Evgen,
We are using 24.1 of Groupdocs conversion.
- OS we are using is CentOS 7 and RHEL 8 with JDK 8 and 11
- We are using sample code
`Converter converter = new Converter();
PdfConvertOptions options = new PdfConvertOptions();
converter.convert(, options);
Thank you for sharing the details. I have created issue #CONVERSIONJAVA-2666 in out internal bug-tracker. We’ll analyze the issue and update you.