Missing of SmartArt block Document when converting to PDF


We tried to convert internal .docx documents who make use of SmartArt objects. The text is correctly rendered but not the appearance of the blocks containing them.

The Original document looks like this: image.png (9.0 KB)
But the borders are invisible in the rendered PDF: image.png (11.1 KB)

Are those objects supported ? Is there an option we are missing ?

We use an internal API which uses GroupDocs.Conversion for nodejs.

  • GroupDocs Conversion for NodeJS
  • Java: OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-21.0.2+13
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 22.0.4 LTS
  • GroupDocs version: 24.3

However, I notice the result is the same when using the Online converter (Online file conversion | Free GroupDocs Apps)

Here is the sample document:
smartart_hierarchy.docx (39.2 KB)

Thank you for your attention.


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