Modern front end on internet explorer

Hi, I’m testing the modern fron end with internet explorer 11 and I’m getting an error message.

Here you can see the error.

Is the modern frontend compatible with internet explorer?

Thanks in advance.



Thanks for posting your issue on our forum. We checked GroupDocs.Viewer-for-.NET-WebForms-App in Internet Explorer 11 (version: 11.125.16299.0) but did not get any error. Would you please translate the error message into English and share with us? Also, please share the complete version of IE that you can find in About Internet Explorer.

Hi, my internet explorer version is, 11.248.16299.0.

The message says “Assignment to read-only properties is not allowed in strict mode”



Thanks for providing the details. We have also tried IE 11.248.16299.0 but could not reproduce the issue at our end. However, the error “Assignment to read-only properties is not allowed in strict mode” is a known issue in Internet Explorer 11. We would like you to try the following workaround in app.js and check again.

Replace following line:

element[0].style = "height:" + parseInt(height) + "px!important; width:100%!important; ";


element[0].setAttribute("style", "height:" + parseInt(height) + "px!important; width:100%!important; ");

If the issue persists, please share with us your operation system’s details as well.

Hi, that seems to be worked out, but I’ve the same error at line 539. Another style assignment statement.

Is there another file with this issue or it’s only app.js?


with this lines changed, the zoom doesn’t work.



Thanks for your response. While doing some more testing in multiple environments, we are able to reproduce the exception at our end. We also noticed that the zoom function does not work after making the changes. As the issues are related to the front end application, therefore, we have logged them in our GitHub issues as JavaScript runtime error: Assignment to read-only properties is not allowed in strict mode · Issue #48 · groupdocs-viewer/GroupDocs.Viewer-for-.NET-WebForms-App · GitHub and The zoom feature is not working in IE 11 · Issue #49 · groupdocs-viewer/GroupDocs.Viewer-for-.NET-WebForms-App · GitHub. We will look into it and as soon as we have any updates, we’ll share that with you. You can also keep track of the issues by following the above-mentioned links.

Thanks Usman!


You are welcome.


The issue you found earlier (filed as JavaScript runtime error: Assignment to read-only properties is not allowed in strict mode · Issue #48 · groupdocs-viewer/GroupDocs.Viewer-for-.NET-WebForms-App · GitHub) has been fixed. Please download the updated source code from here.

Hi @usman.aziz

Thanks for the update.
How about the other issue related with the zoom in IE?


Hi usman, how are you?
We have the same problem.
do you have an idea of when will be releaed fix for:

Best regards.

@jsouteras, @mlasarga,

Thanks for your query.

I am afraid that currently, we don’t have any updates on it as the issue is under investigation. As soon as we have any useful information, we’ll share that with you. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in this regards.

Hi, any news?


Thanks for coming back to us.

Currently, we don’t have any updates regarding this issue. However, we’ll check if we can provide you any progress updates in this regards.

Hi, how are you?
any news about this issues?

Best regards


Thanks for coming back to us.

It is expected that the fix of your issue will be available by the end of the next week. However, the provided ETA is not guaranteed. We shall keep you informed in case of any updates.

Hello, how are you?
Any news?

Best regards


Thanks for coming back to us.

Your reported issue, logged as The zoom feature is not working in IE 11 · Issue #49 · groupdocs-viewer/GroupDocs.Viewer-for-.NET-WebForms-App · GitHub, has been fixed. However, the fixed version of the application is expected to be released at the beginning of the next week. We shall also keep you informed in case of any updates.

Hello! how are you?
Any news of the release of this fix?
