Msg/eml to pdf => size problem when having long urls in email


When I convert to pdf an email that contains a long URL inside the body, line breaks are not done on the long url. They are done correctly on other text blocks.
Generated pdf is unreadable if we do not zoom because test is very very small.




Could you please provide more details about the method or library you are using for the conversion and any specific code snippets related to this issue?

Here is the code I use:

GroupDocs.Conversion.Options.Load.EmailLoadOptions loadOptions = new GroupDocs.Conversion.Options.Load.EmailLoadOptions { ConvertOwned = false, DisplayBccEmailAddress = true, DisplayCcEmailAddress = true  };
using (Converter converter = new Converter(fileName, () => loadOptions))
    PdfConvertOptions options = new PdfConvertOptions();
    converter.Convert(outputFileName, options);


Please take a look at these source and output (49.4 KB). We pasted a sample long URL in the MSG file, converted it to PDF, and the results look as expected. However, could you please share the problematic MSG file and the output you received? We will then further investigate this scenario on our end.


Thanks for your ansver. You wiull find enclosed the msg file and the converted result.

Lien (40,5 Ko)


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